Why Self Love is Essential For Healthy Relationships?

Kerry Rigby
5 min readApr 12, 2021


  1. We manifest into our lives what we believe to be true.

We manifest based upon our beliefs, our energy and our thoughts. With this in mind, if you believe that you are not lovable, you don’t have any worth and your thoughts and feelings are not important, you my love will attract someone who will undoubtedly reflect that. You will never find true love until you have met yourself there, trust me on that one. You can have a deeper love in your relationships, that will only come through the one that you have with yourself!

2. You absolutely deserve to love yourself.

Why on earth don’t you? Have you ever actually questioned that? When you were born, you did not put yourself down, think your bum looked big, hid your feelings and all of the other rubbish you have accumulated along the way. Your self-love was stollen! Yes you have read that totally right it was stollen!!! It was stollen by those who surrounded you and all of the ways that they taught you to give and receive love. Personally I learnt that my happiness was outside of myself. I felt flawed and ashamed for all of the parts of me that made me human but kept me in the good girl category. This led me to a life of searching outside of myself in all of the wrong places and people for a love that I later discovered that I already had within. How wrong I was! It is now upto you to reclaim that love for yourself.

3. YOU SET THE STANDARD for how you want to be treated!

Do you have a standard with how you want to be treated by a partner? Are you clear on what is acceptable for you within your relationships? If you do not treat yourself well, with kindness, care and consideration then how the hell will someone else? If you don’t feel worthy of an incredible relationship and you just settle for a kind of love within them then this is a big sign that you aren’t loving yourself enough! When you find your worth as a woman and you see yourself as the Goddess (which you are by the way) then you will naturally set the standard for what you are ok with.

4. You create healthier boundaries, limits and choices when you learn to love yourself!

The incredible gifts of self-love are all of this and assertiveness. Being able to express yourself from the place of a woman who owns her boundaries and knows her limits is powerful and creates a safe container for you to expand, evolve and grow within. Your relationships will be stronger, deeper and you will not find yourself in endless years of misery. You will fully feel able to trust yourself and that is one hell of a superpower for a woman!

5. Loving yourself heals your relationship trauma and allows you to come back to life after you have been numb and dead in your relationships for TOO long!

When you have had your self-love stollen through trauma and abuse then you can feel so far from your truth. This can hurt massively and you may find yourself holding back from dating or getting close to your partners. You may find yourself not able to be intimate emotionally or physically. This can destroy relationships and of course your own well being. Loving yourself after what you have gone through is the journey back to life and heals the darkest of love stories.

6. Self-Love brings self-compassion and self-respect.

Did you know that you can soothe yourself and have your own back? Once you have this ability for yourself then you will no longer seek it from a source outside of you. I cannot tell you how freeing that is. Say goodbye to chasing partners because you need to feel better and receive all of those feel good feelings that you desperately are lacking within. You can give yourself all of what you need and then enjoy your relationships whilst letting the person you are with be who they need to be and have their own perspective and opinion. You will learn compromise and communication. Take it from me it is so healthy and feels so good!

I want you to imagine falling in love with someone and how much effort and attention you put into the person to let them know just how much they mean to you. You nurture them, flood them with compassion and lots of goodness. You want them to feel all of the love you are feeling and bask in it. Imagine giving yourself all of that love and never having to wait for it. Not only do you get the joy of giving it from the place of true love but you are also receiving it. Imagine all of that and now read these words carefully: IT IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS JUST WAITING FOR YOU! You have everything you are looking for and once you give yourself this, once you meet your own needs and requirements then you will completely find freedom within your relationships.

Having self-love is essential for a healthy relationship for the reasons above and so much more. This is especially relevant for women who suffer within unhealthy unconscious patterns such as co-dependency. When you constantly put your partners needs before your own you leave yourself wide open for whatever they want to bring to the table. This can open the floodgates for relationship abuse and a lot of hurt and pain. Whether you over give to the point of exhaustion, you are staying in relationships with partners that are emotionally un-available, they have cheated on you or you just feel so unfulfilled within it, you can change things through the beautiful art of self love. Self love will free you from your past and turn you into an incredible magnet for healthy, beautiful relationships that YOU DESERVE!!



Kerry Rigby
Kerry Rigby

Written by Kerry Rigby


Artist and Healing Blogger

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